Beating the Little Guy

            Salty Cracker over at YouTube did a really nice video about our present IndieGoGo predicament. Unfortunately, we can't take his suggestion to migrate our campaign over to Kickstarter because we have been banned from that platform as well. Internet censorship is the present progressive game.
            Looking into a variety of other fields yields few opportunities. While Etsy, Ebay, and don't seem to be policing the content on their respective sites at present, the ban-hammer could come down at any moment because their existing policies forbid the promotion of the Southern Cross. We could censor ourselves while operating on their sites, but they'd likely get to us eventually - Trust and Safety teams the web over have a habit of harassing certain groups and ignoring others.
           We've decided to sell our comics ourselves directly from our blog. This greatly limits our reach, but is the safest solution we can conjure up. Please spread the word and support us if you can!
